Saturday, April 03, 2004

Battle Athletes Victory - Episodes 8 to 10

With the closing of the tenth episode, the training school arc came to an end. This series' episodes come in sets of three more than literally, with each being a mini-arc itself.

Episodes 8 to 10 were the finals. It's interesting that in each training school of 100 plus students, only three get through to University Satellite. This makes for a really cut throat competition, and it's completely clear why Ling-Pha goes to such extremes to win everything that she enters. It's just a pity that the truly competent can see right through her.
Both Akari and Itchan went through a large amount of pain in this episode, and the dependence that Akari has on other people is disconcerting. The theme in this type of program is usually "Run for yourself" or "Play for yourself" or "Sing for yourself". Hopefully Akari will learn this, because her tendency to hide in a cardboard box when things aren't going her way gets tired.

The triathlon was a great event. Ayla, who was one of the more interesting characters, is developed quite well in her final episodes. She comes from a very thinly veiled communist country - the sort that breeds people to become athletes above becoming people. The way that we see that humanity has rubbed off on her, and that she can swim for herself, that was good. She also had the strongest relationship with Jessie, who is disturbingly random in her allegiance.

Akari's weariness and sudden determination were inspiring and led to many well animated scenes. At the end of the tenth episode, Victory is now at the same place that the OVA began. Seeing as only three people move on to University Satellite, it's essentially like bidding farewell to our Earthly favourites - but Anna and Kris have their own charms, as we well know.

Wong Ling-Pha forever!