Monday, April 11, 2005

Lightning Speed!

I have decided that in the interest of expediency and me not having to draw at straws, for the second halves of series I'm no longer going to try giant explosive entries. Anime Pilgrimage's concept is not as it was when it began 13 months ago. There's not enough time to write each series as a journey.
This way, I will be able to banish Argentosoma and Outlaw Star with small, concise articles, and guiltlessly move onto something else.

In other news Steven Den Beste saw my article on Eiken, wrote about series that grossed him out, then cast judgement on me, saying I was crazy to watch the whole thing. But look at your front page, Steven! It is you who has gone Eiken mad!

UPDATE: False alarm, turns out Steven was on a holy quest to confirm the existence of perversely large boobs in manga. My mistake.
EDIT: HC made me realise that I was a bit ambiguous, so I've edited this to make my intent clearer.


At 4/18/2005 02:51:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are other places to confirm that, though I think Eiken is the absolute outermost boundary of taste... and perhaps sanity. After Eiken Rlyeh?

Anyway - does this mean that Argent Soma and Outlaw Star will not be written up at all, or just not in one fell swoop? And how goes Berserk?

At 4/18/2005 07:06:00 PM, Blogger Alex said...

It means that they will be written up, but not in excessive detail as I'm getting to the point that most of what needs to be said is said in the first articles, rather than the "journeys" I used to take through series.
This is particularly true as I do not like to write up spoilers.

As for Berserk - I am only 15 episodes into it. It did not go well as a series to watch as I was starting university, so I switched to City Hunter 2 and had a grand old time. I hope to finish Berserk in the next two weeks.

Damned outside world!


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