Saturday, April 17, 2004

Cardcaptor Sakura - episodes 2 to 4

Well, I'm watching this and Gundam Wing concurrently, making for an interesting cocktail.

There is nothing to hate about this program. There is a remarkable amount of detail for a program made for a younger audience: of course, CLAMP has always made broad appeal manga, and they could have traded on their name to earn a budget this well used. CLAMP actually had an above average involvement in the project: Okawa Nanase actually wrote the scripts for at least the first four episodes, and Apapa Mokona's costume and card designs are retained. One of their repeat anime liaisons, Takahashi Kumiko, adapted the characters from Igarishi Satsuki's original designs, which made for something much cleaner. The manga was occasionally hard to follow because of the complicated line work.

Fortunately, by the end of the second episode Sakura seems to have been cured of her reluctance to capture cards, and her friendship with Kero-chan is not tenuous. Given more of an opportunity in these episodes is Tomoyo, whose fascination with Sakura would be unnerving if it wasn't so hilarious.
When Tomoyo and Kero-chan team up to stalk Sakura, it's the greatest thing ever!

One of the great aspects of the series is the constant changes of costumes. Other than the uniforms, the characters can be counted on to be wearing a vast array of clothing. It cuts down on stock footage and also gives each episode its own uniqueness. In fact, Cardcaptor Sakura actually gives more detail to its story than the manga, so it could be one of the best anime projects of recent years: there's just so much going for it.

I'm looking forward to Shaoran coming in - his reactions around Yukito should be priceless!