Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Emma - episode 3


Warning: Meeting Emma may impair your social judgment!

In this episode, William's friend Hakim comes to visit from India. Hakim takes William on an elephant ride through the streets of London, but William gets sick and has to stop off at Emma's house. Emma meets Hakim, who is instantly taken by her; Hakim consults Emma as to her feelings for William, and then confesses his own feelings.

This appears to be the first episode of Emma to actually go for the laughs, with Hakim's tight-lipped harem following him everywhere; William's younger brother is particularly distressed by all of the foreign goings on. William himself is consistently dazed by what's happening around him but is pleased because "I got to see Emma". Nothing goes wrong in this episode, besides the obvious issue of another person vying for Emma's affections (please, people, she doesn't want your gifts!).

On the Emma front (as there is remarkably little Emma in Emma): Mrs. Stownar seems a bit mean to Emma, but I suppose that's what high class people do. Also, Emma does have a moment of reflection in her room, but it is mercifully not while she's combing her hair and looking into the mirror; the consideration scenes in this episode, both her own and William's, are well done.

All in all, a fine episode that even included some nice CG.

Next time: Hakim, Eleanor, Emma and William Battle Royale!


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